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Ways to Improve Diet to Better Habits

Some good tips on weight loss that I have found helpful, I will include in this article. One good tip is: Eat a big breakfast. Eat plenty of carbs in the morning, and fruit, and yogurt, and a big glass of juice. That way you'll have plenty of energy throughout the day.

Then have an average sized lunch, and a small supper. You can have a few snacks throughout the day, like raisins, or nuts, or fruit. But avoid sugar or salty things. If you want, you can have maybe 100 calories of sugary or salty things, per day. And treat yourself based on your metabolism to one or two sugary or salty things (like pastries, chips, ice scream, cake), once or twice a week.

Drink coffee when you're hungry. Food shouldn't be the center of your day. But if you're really craving something, drink coffee. Add some milk, or some sugar, and cinnamon. Boil the milk, and turn it into a latte. Or add a whole cup full of ice, and turn it into an iced coffee.

My coffee maker broke, and if you don't have a coffee maker like me,drink water when you are hungry. If you are craving sugar- grab a piece of fruit. If you can't drink water or fruit, take a nap. Read a book, play a computer game. Talk to a friend. Do a hobby. I usually take a nap when I feel hungry, recharge myself, and then get up and begin what I do to keep myself busy. It's OK to cheat a little and recharge yourself, because it's not really cheating, it is giving yourself what you deserve.

Also- chew gum when you are hungry. The feeling of gum in your mouth makes you not hungry for awhile. Another thing- you don't need to be chewing something, or drinking something, or satisfying your hunger to be satisfying yourself.

You could be reading a book- or exercising, or talking to a friend, or watching a movie. Whenever you have the urge to pop something in your mouth, replace it with something, a little more advanced. And you can go on up the ladder until you have reached a higher level- just like a video game- keep advancing levels. You don't need to start at the top.

You don't need to start at level 10. Start at level 1. Instead of replacing junk food with running the 26 mile marathon, replace junk food with watching a music video of some band you really enjoy a lot. Something really easy to listen to. Play a video game- do something really fun. Then you'll start looking forward to fun instead of junk food. And then- replace the fun with higher levels of things- until you reach your ultimate goal- whatever is your vision.

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