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Tips on How to Avoid Weight Gain

Late night snacks are one of the biggest enemies for your silhouette and by abusing them you will surely end up gaining weight. In addition to this, lack of willpower and a big appetite are also some factors that could contribute to extra pounds. In the following lines you will find out how to combat the habit of eating at night and avoiding turning the food you eat into unwanted fat.

Maintain a schedule of regular meals throughout the day
Even if you choose only healthy foods, if you eat too much and do not respect the 3 meals a day rule chances are that you will still put on too much weight. The first advice most nutritionists would give you is to have a big breakfast within an hour after you wake up. Then eat small portions throughout the day. In this way sugar levels in your blood will remain constant and you will also not feel the need to eat too much at night.

Have a balanced dinner
In order to cut your appetite permanently at dinner, prepare a balanced meal for the evening. The highest proportion on the plate should be represented by vegetables, a quarter by protein and the rest should ideally be carbohydrates. With this combination of food your dinner will be healthier and you will feel fuller in the end, avoiding the danger of nighttime snacks.

Plan your evening snack early
If you still want to get a snack after dinner every night at least make sure you prepare it in advance. Plan to eat something healthy, because it will be easier to resist the temptation of eating unhealthy food later on in the evening. Seasonal fruits, sliced meats or whole wheat toast are all good snack options.

Fight your appetite with liquids
Sometimes your stomach urges you to open your refrigerator at inconvenient times, but this sensation can be stopped with a cold or hot drink. Herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee or even a glass of water can be enough to curb your appetite at night. If you want to sweeten your favorite drink limit yourself to a little honey or artificial sweeteners.

Brush your teeth immediately after dinner
If you brush your teeth immediately after eating the last meal of the day, the nocturnal temptations of your refrigerator become less attractive.

Replace the passive activities with active ones
Many people simply eat out of boredom, especially when they spend the last hours of the day watching TV. Quitting these passive activities will always help suppress unwanted cravings. What you could do instead is find something that keeps your hands busy. For example, a video games console will require you to move and you will pretty much forget about eating. Another useful suggestion would be to try some exercises before bed, which will also make you forget about your appetite and make you feel healthier.

Written by Joshua Methvin for Visit my website for daily advice on fitness, exercise, health and nutrition.

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