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How to Get Rid of Belly Fat the Easy Afterburn Way

If you have been trotting around the roads and performing countless sit-ups with not much to show for it you are in luck. The main reason being it's the old fashion way of exercising and it's going to be a long hard sweaty road before you can see strong positive results. To be more successful you therefore need to work out the smart scientifically proven way and learn about the afterburn. It's called "excess post-exercise oxygen consumption" or afterburn. For effective weight loss or more importantly fat loss to get rid of belly fat you have to optimise the following tested factors. These are exercise and diet.

The scientific weight loss equation is:

Energy in < Energy out

In simple layman's terms, if you consume 2000 calories per day then you must burn more than 2000 calories to lose weight. If you just go on a diet without much exercise you run the risk of losing weight and lean muscle. This is not the correct type of weight loss as you really to burn fat. In order to easily burn fat you need to perform proven tested exercises. Exercise will develop lean muscle which in turn will boost your metabolism and successfully burn more fat.

Rule 1: Diet

Avoid any refined carbohydrate. Refined carbohydrates quickly convert into their various forms of sugar once they enter your body. These sugars can be basic units of sucrose, glucose and fructose and so on. Your body takes what it needs for energy and stores a limited amount of glycogen and the rest as unlimited fat.

Avoid white carbohydrate like potatoes, bread, pasta, rice and similar. Avoid all white flour products. Know your calorie content so that you can manage your portion size for example, half a cup of rice contains 300 calories. When you have a good idea about calorie content you become more conscious of what you are eating.

Instead eat complex carbohydrates that are show to be much slower to digest. It also fills you up quicker and keeps you satisfied longer. In addition eat more healthy protein, healthy unsaturated fat and more fibre with each meal. Eat small portions every 3 hours (4 to 6 meals) to keep you energized and your metabolism fired up as well as explosively burning fat. This prevents your body from going into starvation mode and storing unhealthy fat. It also positively helps build and maintain strong lean muscles. Remember to drink a lot of water to keep you refreshed.

Rule 2: Exercise

A good question when thinking about exercise is to ask yourself "what are the best exercises to quickly lose belly fat" and sustain it? The best scientifically proven exercises that rapidly burns fat are ones that utilises the expertly tested high intensity interval training. These exercises not only accelerate your metabolism by about 10% but also set off your fat burning power for about 48 hours afterwards. This is what's called the afterburn. The two popular and easiest ones to try are as follows:

A. Rope Skipping

This a great exercise to have in any valid fat burning system. Perform this for 20 minutes and you will be amazed by the total body workout that you will get. This is also perfect for cardio vascular endurance, stamina and building stronger bones. For even better results perform outdoors to refresh your lungs with fresh oxygen and power-up the fat burn.

B. Running and Sprinting

Simple running alone is extremely effective for burning about 300 calories in 30 minutes for a 145 pound person. The heavier you are the more calories you will burn. You easily start burning fat as your source of energy after about 15 minutes into the run. Sprinting on the other hand, really fires-up your fat burning metabolism causing you to burn huge amounts of calories in a short time frame.

For more positive rapid fat burning, when doing this exercise run flat-out for about 20 seconds and relax for 30 seconds and repeat. If you are new to exercise you can increase the relaxation time and continue to shorten it as you get fitter by building strength and stamina. For this interval training and to get the afterburn, aim to exercise for about 20 minutes if you can and listen to your body. Stop when you need to.

Interval training exercises have been scientifically proven to be more effective workouts than ordinary cardio exercises because amongst other benefits you get the explosive afterburn.

The idea of this tested fat burning system is to keep your body guessing and to stop it from adapting by mixing up the exercise routines. Some other fruitful exercises to include are step aerobics, swimming, rowing, and elliptical trainer and so on. Remember, the more lean muscle tissue you have the more efficient you will be at positively burning fat and keeping it off!

If you're really fed up and ashamed of carrying around your big fat stomach and can't find nice fitting clothes- expert help is at hand. If you seriously want to follow an easy, expert tested fat burning system that simply works and is sustainable even for the lazy person, I encourage you to take Action right now and click on the link to get your "Limited Time Free Report" now before it's too late and ends.

If you don't lose 5 - 14 pounds in your first 10 days alone, I'll be really surprised.

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