As we turn the corner from another holiday season when we are highly likely to eat more bad things than we should, maybe what is called for is a new approach to exercise generally.
When I say new approach, I am not talking about a new specific workout. I think we are all pretty aware that there are more choices than there are life times to try them all. Like any other market, the level of quality between workout programs varies. As a reviewer and commentator on home workouts and workout equipment generally I would submit that overall they are all mostly better than good.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, the issue isn't with our workout plan but ourselves. What I discovered in cross-section analyzing man of the most popular home and gym workout programs, is that the most effective among them share common elements. If you understand these elements generally, you can incorporate all, or at least some of them into your usual routine to increase the overall return for your time and effort. You can also make smarter decisions about which programs you choose if you go the program route.
The Most in Demand of the Three Desired Body Appearance Outcomes
On our fitness blog we have been talking more frequently about how all of us looking to get fitter are desiring one of three physical appearance outcomes. We are either looking to lose weight (normally people who have let themselves go with minimal exercise and poor diet over a long period of time), get ripped (or toned), or gain size and muscle development.
Category 1 dealing with losing weight is probably number 1 in the volume of people who would say this is their fitness goal. It is also the stepping stone goal to achieve the really ripped or more muscular physique goals.
Common Elements to Look For In an Effective Weight Loss Workout
1. To lose weight, what you eat is most important to your results. Look to improve the quality of your food intake by 80% from your current level. This is not technically part of your workout program, but if you aren't mindful of improving your nutrition, you are wasting your time on any weight loss goal. I am a big fan of the Primal eating advice of Mark Sisson, author of "Primal Blueprint". His website is a great resource.
2. Intensity is a must. This element is probably the most important and also the most difficult to achieve without professional guidance. This guidance could be in the form of personal training or buying a program like P90X for example. Too little intensity, and you leave much progress on the table and end up wasting your time. Too much intensity, you will likely get burned out or injure yourself. This is the main reason I love programs with a trainer.
3. Structure is a sub-element of intensity. What move to do? When to do it? At what intensity? These are all things we don't know much about as lay people. Guidance on these issues is what makes the cost for a home program with proven results a great investment.
4. Resistance work is something you want because it super charges your results. Be it body weight or free weights, it re-shapes your body faster to do resistance work. There are also significant short and long-term health benefits in adding resistance training no matter your age.
5. Having a defined beginning and end using a calendar. My experience with Beachbody workouts won me over to the importance of having schedules daily, benchmarks regularly, and a clear ending (preferably no more than 90 days in the future). Critics will say that you can't get in this shape or that shape in such short amounts of time. True. At the same time, shorter time frames added up with different programs over time will create some seriously pleasing results for life.
6. Fun counts towards your results. A program like GSP RushFit is hard work, but if you don't find it fun enough to make the time go faster, it is not going to work for you. Granted this one requires some testing. Good thing that in many cases you can try any of these programs risk free with nothing lost but a little time.
7. Variety in the form of muscle confusion. If you have done P90X, you already know about all about this concept. Basically the more different movements and body parts exercised with those movements, the quicker your gains. If a program becomes a routine, then it is losing effectiveness by the day. You should always feel challenged.
Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at her blog. Check out a recent article here: Cheryl and her associates have been writing extensively on the "Three Desired Body Outcomes" and particular suggestions for people to reach the one they want. So check it out!
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