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Count Your Calories - Lose Weight When You Figure Out How Many Calories To Eat a Day

Food is a big part of a lot of everyone's life. We have to figure out what we are eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. It is even more difficult when you are preparing meals for a whole family. Ain't that right moms?! Sometimes you even have to plan ahead for meals a few days in advance. Since we pay so much attention to food we should know how many calories to eat a day. My advice to anyone trying to lose weight is count your calories.

As important as food is in our everyday lives, we should not let it rule over us. In the western world there is a huge problem with obesity. We as a whole eat too much fast food, sugar, and processed foods. The trend of obesity can be reversed if people simply know how many calories to eat a day.

So how can you figure out how many calories to eat a day? The daily recommended calorie intake differs from different people and from men and women. You need to consider your age, height, and weight to figure out how many to eat a day.

Here are some simple tips to help get you started.

1) Determine Your BMR - What is BMR? BMR is your basal metabolic rate or the number of calories your body burns without any effort.

The formula for women is 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years) = BMR.

The formula for men is 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years) = BMR.

2) Figure Out Your Activity Levels - Everyone falls into 1 of 5 categories when it comes to activity: either sedentary, lightly active, moderately active, very active, or extra active. The numbers should go as follows sedentary- 1.2, lightly active - 1.375, moderately active - 1.55, very active - 1.725, and extra active - 1.9.

Be honest with this one, if you workout every blue moon you can't say you are extra active.

3) Use the Harris Benedict Formula - Multiply the number you come up with in #1 by #2. The number will determine how many calories you should eat to maintain your current weight. So if you want to lose weight eat less than what number you come up with and exercise more.

Women should never eat under 1200 calories a day and men should never eat under 1500 calories a day.

Using the Harris Benedict Formula will easily help you to figure out how many calories to eat a day. Learn how to count your calories and losing weight will come a lot easier than it has in the past.

And now I'd like to invite you to grab your Free Instant Access to the 7 day eCourse Love Your Body Love Your Life when you visit

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