Thinking of healthy foods may bring boring, bland and tasteless food to mind. Fortunately, healthy doesn't have to mean tasteless. Below you'll learn about four healthy foods that not only taste good, are convenient and readily available and will improve your nutrition.
Beets: Beets are one of the most nutritious foods available. These small vegetables with red roots are composed of two nutrients named folate and betaine that assist in decreasing the level of homocysteine in the blood. Damaged arteries which could lead to heart disease is believed to be caused by an amino acid in the blood called Homocysteine. You can reduce your risk of developing these problems simply by including beets in your diet. Cancer rates in lab mice were reduced when they were fed beets. Beets provide maximum benefits when they are eaten raw. Add beets to your salad by grating them and marinating them in a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.
Cinnamon: This spice is usually only eaten when combined with other items like sugar and then applied to pastries. Cinnamon not only tastes good, it also confers significant health benefits by lowering blood sugar and the risk of heart disease. The USDA research indicates that diabetic people who used two grams of cinnamon everyday for a period of six weeks have accomplished decreasing their sugar and cholesterol levels. Methylhydroxychalcone polymers are the lively ingredients present in the spice which help in raising the body's ability for metabolizing the sugar. Cinnamon is great at breakfast, added to oatmeal, cereal or even coffee.
Goji Berries: The people of Tibet have a long history of using the goji berry medicinally. There is more antioxidant power in this small berry which is the size of a raisin than in any other fruit according to researchers. In addition, studies indicate that consumption of the berry decreases insulin production, which is a significant risk factor for individuals with diabetes. You can have these healthful tiny berries by mixing them up with yogurt or cereal for your breakfast.
Cabbage: Cabbage is a vegetable widely used in Asia and Europe and has shown indications of becoming choice of the American food market as well. It contains the substance sulforaphane which is thought to help prevent the development of cancers. One way to enjoy this yummy food is to shred it, then use it to top your burgers and sandwiches. Shredded carrots and apples with this could give you a nice side salad.
I hope these tips have been helpful for you in your weight loss efforts. If you are serious about losing weight the natural way without dangerous pills, supplements or fad diets be sure the check out the Ultimate Fat Loss Guide today at:
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