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I Was Doing So Well - What Happened!

So "What Happened?" There are many things that can trigger a relapse into your old eating habits here are some things that I have had to deal with over the years:

· Divorce

· Holidays

· Pregnancy and a new baby

· Death of friend or family member

· Changes in job

· Stress

· Health problems

Does this list look familiar? I don't know anyone who has not had to deal with at least one of these events, funny I always refer to my ideal weight as BC weight: Before Children. The above list is just a few of the things that make it difficult to stay on your diet. For many us, falling off of a diet program can lead to the "what the hell" effect. In other words, "I've already messed up a little, so just forget the whole thing." Especially true when the weight starts to creep back and you want to just give up.

But everyone is entitled to stray from time to time. The most important thing you can do is learn from what happened and get back on your program. So how to you get back on the diet wagon? I have sound tips that have help me to get back on my diet:

· Life Happens so here is what you do: Identify the event or life change that began getting you off-track. Have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself, if it helps enlist the help of a friend or family member that might have been also affect by the same event. Talk it through, see what makes sense to you- talking about the events that got you off the diet track might just help you get back on.

· More than likely the life changing event will happen again, if you come up with some solutions not it will help in the future for keeping the problem from having a major impact on your life. Better to be prepared than be thrown for a loop.

· Once you have looked at what got you off the diet in the first place, go back to your original goals and start again.

· Talking with a nutritionist or your healthcare provider about getting back on track might be good. They can have invaluable suggestions to help you.

· Get off your pity potty! Don't dwell on your mistakes. Realize that it's normal to make them. The only real problem occurs when you don't recognize them and don't work to get back to a healthy plan.

· Give yourself some credit for the changes you have made. Change is difficult! If you've done it once, you can do it again.

· Never say Never!

Marilyn Rae of I invite you to my web pages to explore and review additional tips, tricks and motivation for dieting.

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