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ViSalus Shakes Get Results for Effective Weight Loss

With the New Year already here and spring just around the corner, many people are looking for ways to shed pounds, tone up and get into shape. One of the most effective programs in North America is the ViSalus Body by Vi Challenge. The core of the program is the ViSalus Vi-Shape Shake. The company offers 5 Challenge Kit options, all including the shake mix, that will help get your body into great condition before summer starts. The Challenge is not another fad diet; it is based on sound nutrition and a program back by scientific research and recommended by healthcare and fitness professionals. Many healthcare and fitness professionals endorse the products & program and some doctors have provided doctor reviews of the shakes and products.


ViSalus shakes contain a proprietary Tri-Sorb protein blend that helps control hunger and builds lean muscle. For those interested about ingredients, it should be noted that the shakes are gluten and lactose free, low in sugar and carbs, low in sodium, are Kosher certified and diabetic-friendly. One of the keys to dieting is to maintain healthy nutrition; ViSalus shakes contain 23 vitamins and minerals and are fiber-rich.


Many physicians and fitness professionals recommend the shakes to patients and clients because the research proves they are safe, effective and get rapid results. Many fitness professionals have changed to ViSalus products because of proven results and recommendations from clients and colleagues. Most individuals drink one or two shakes per day; the company recommends two shakes a day for weight loss and one shake per day for weight maintenance and continued nutritional balance once the weight loss goal is attained. The shakes help curb hunger and keep blood sugars level.


One reason the shakes are so popular is because ViSalus offers six flavor options. The scientists behind ViSalus know that most diets and weight loss plans fail because they do not fit into the everyday life of most folks. The Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake Mix comes blended as a "sweet cream" (or vanilla) flavor. The shake mix is typically blended with unsweetened almond milk, skim milk or soy milk. Along with the shake mix, Flavor Mix-ins are offered that include strawberry, chocolate, banana, peach and orange. The flavor packs are simply added to the shake mix and medium, then blended. The shakes take only a minute or two to make and offer a very healthy meal that is tasty and keeps you feeling full.

ViSalus literally means life, health, prosperity. ViSalus Body by Vi is now the #1 weight loss challenge movement in North America with more than 150,000 new customers every month. ViSalus Products Online is one of the leading online providers of ViSalus shakes, products and the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge. To learn more about ViSalus and to buy products, please visit

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