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The Classic New Year Resolution - Getting Back In Shape

People around the world are gearing up to a brand new start. A new year! Filled with hopes, dreams, projects and resolutions. One of the most common resolutions for the new year is to get into better shape. This is without a doubt the busiest season for gyms and fitness centers, as people from all walks of life resolve to change their health habits and strive for a healthier lifestyle. Every person starts their exercise program with the best of intentions and then slowly abandon their ambitions and slowly fall back into their old habits. As the saying goes: "Old habits die hard". There are a few reasons this happens: firstly, people are eager to get started and see change and will often take on more than they can actually handle; secondly, fitness programs that are handed out in fitness facilities don't take into account each person's particular needs; thirdly, most people need to start off with a core stabilization program in order to avoid injury.

First and foremost, the biggest problem with signing up for a gym membership is that it is usually done on impulse at the beginning of the year when people are filled with resolutions and eager to get started. Too often, there is no consideration for the time that it will require to get to the gym, get changed, exercise, shower and head back to wherever you needs to get. A 30 minute workout can easily consume up to one hour of your time. Before deciding that a gym membership is the best solution for you to get fit and adopt a healthier lifestyle, evaluate how much time it will take up of your day, or your week and decide if this is really what you are willing and committed to do.

Secondly, beware of generic fitness programs. Often times, the fitness programs that are given out as a perk with your gym membership are very basic and generic. The same rules pretty much applies to everyone and these basic programs are called the "get back into shape". You will need to make sure you are getting an experienced trainer to create a program that caters to your needs. Typically, these programs will work for people who have been active in the past but have let themselves go, or those who have no medical issues.

Thirdly, your most important objective in getting back into shape is to avoid getting injured right out of the gates and set yourself up for a major setback in your exercise routine. Most people who have a pretty sedentary lifestyle will not be able to simply jump into a fitness routine that involves at least three workouts a week without putting some form of strain on their bodies. It is absolutely crucial that your program starts with core stability exercises that will set the foundation for proper muscle building and toning, proper posture and form while you do your exercises, and adequate core strength to help prevent injuries.

As one of the most popular new year resolutions, getting back into shape is probably one of the most abandoned resolutions as well. Most often it is not because the person simply gives up on their objective but rather because injuries occur early on in their efforts. They may suffer from muscle soreness, or not have the time required to be able to maintain their efforts. An exercise routine needs to be integrated into the current lifestyle rather than implanted into it. It should aim to prevent injuries and have a gradual progression to help the body adapt quickly and safely to the increased level of activity.

As a mother, I believe in sharing my knowledge and experiences so that I might make another mother's life a little easier. I share my thoughts and opinions about caring for children, devoting to a spouse and raising a family. Visit my blog at and click on the Fit Mom tab.

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