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New Year's Resolutions - Have Your Own Biggest Loser Contest

New Year's Resolutions. We make 'em. We break 'em. We try to keep them. We fail. We keep them for a day or two, maybe a week or two, and then lose momentum. What's a person to do? How do we motivate ourselves to stay on track?

Oftentimes we set unrealistic goals for New Year's resolutions. All the things we tried and failed in, in the prior year, we might try to bundle up and make into a New Year's Resolution.

We fail because the things we resolve to do are hard for us. If they were easy, they would have already been accomplished in our lives. They might be easy for others, but they are challenging for us. And therefore, we fail. We have weaknesses we try to overcome, and we just don't seem to have the strength to do it.

One problem many people try to overcome with a New Year's Resolution is a weight problem. People have enjoyed all the goodies between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and now want to lose weight. But in some cases, the problem extends beyond the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. Some people, actually many people according to statistics, struggle with weight problems all year long.

Why is this? A lot has to do with the American diet. It is heavy in fat, fried foods, sugars, refined foods and all those things that put weight. It is light in fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats, the very things that help someone lose weight.

Shows such as "The Biggest Loser" are popular because it shows people able to persevere and overcome their weight problem. But what if there were a personal challenge to lose weight and you could win money for doing so? Would that provide motivation to the New Year's Resolution?

Probably. Think of going to your friends and bragging about how much you lost and how much money you made because you lost that weight. Wouldn't that be exciting? And what if you could get all your friends to join you and have your own personal "biggest loser" contest.

Success happens when we are having fun, enjoying ourselves, working towards a goal that gives us a reward, have the resources we need to help us along our way.

In actuality, there is now a way to have fun with our New Year's Resolutions to lose weight. There is a way to have fun. There is a way to get paid for meeting our goals. This may be a new trend in New Year's Resolutions... resolutions we, and our friends, may enjoy meeting and keeping.

Do you want to find out how you can enjoy the challenge of a New Year's Resolution, have nutritional help, and make some money for winning? Click here
Cheryl Jones has been connected to the holistic health industry for many years and says that next to a relationship with God, health is most important. Without it, you can't enjoy anything else. Without good health, you can't enjoy your family. Without good health, it is difficult to hold down a good-paying job. Health is so important. Make it part of your New Year's Resolutions.

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