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How to Lose 10lbs In 10 Days

Do you ever wonder how celebrities, athletes and other "amazingly gifted" people can lose weight whenever they want to and not seem to struggle? It can't be genetics, because that would not include all of the celebrities. Most athletes may have great genetics, but not all of them do. It's really more a matter of nurture than nature. All these people DO have one thing in common: they have someone they can go to for expertise and application. This minimizes mistakes and delays. Celebrities have trainers and chefs, athletes have strength coaches and nutritionists and others with great bodies have spent lots of time learning what works and what doesn't.

If you don't have these resources, which isn't necessary, don't worry. There are 6 things virtually anyone can do to lose weight, namely 10 lbs. or more in 10 days or less. Apply these methods, take action and watch your body change before that vacation, wedding or big event:

1. Understand first that the scale doesn't tell the whole story. If you lose 10 lbs. of fat and gain 6 lbs. of muscle during that time period from exercise, the scale will only say you lost 4 lbs. you STILL lost 10 lbs. of fat though- mission accomplished. This is why taking bodyfat measurements in addition to weighing yourself is important for accuracy and clarity. You can even take before and after pictures so you see the changes you normally wouldn't see in the mirror (back, sides, etc.).

Bonus tip #1: Only weigh yourself first thing in the morning- on an empty stomach- for a true reading. Avoid weigh-ins immediately after dinner or late at night as this number will be inaccurate and skewed.

2. Reduce carbohydrates at each meal. We all need carbs- in moderation. Fat doesn't make us fat, excess carbs do. When you reduce carbs you reduce: calories, insulin levels (fat storage), water-weight and you burn fat more easily due to a higher metabolism.

Bonus tip #2: When you exercise on a low-carb diet, you access fat stores more easily, boost your metabolism and increase digestion and absorption of nutrients to muscles rather than store them as fat.

3. Do the right kind of cardio. The days of 30-60 minute, TV-watching cardio are over. It just doesn't get the job done. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on a daily basis is the way to go. This type of training consists of performing short duration bursts followed by brief recovery periods. For example, sprinting for 20 seconds and resting for 10 seconds- on and off- for a total duration of 12-15 minutes, will burn 2-3 times more carb calories than cardio at a steady moderate pace for 60 minutes will.

4. Focus on eating lean protein and veggies at each meal. This will ensure you are eating as perfectly as possible without starving yourself. Since meat and veggies don't work well for breakfast, try a whey protein shake, in water, with a scoop of greens superfood powder.

5. Keep your heart rate (HR) elevated during resistance training sessions. When you exercise, try not to rest for too long and keep the intensity high. Give at least 80-85% effort the entire session. You will not need to workout for an entire hour because you can sustain higher intensities at shorter durations (30 min. workout) than longer ones (60 min. workout).

6. Get in the "zone." And I'm not talking about Auto Zone ladies and gents. Another thing athletes and celebrities have in common are goals and deadlines. Have you ever noticed that you get a lot of work done just before vacation or Christmas break? Well, when the season starts in 2 weeks, this becomes a big motivator for an athlete. When a high paying audition for a role or a concert tour is a month away, we know what really got those actors/celebs in shape. Can't imagine losing a 5-figure contract for a few pounds. We "zone" in when there is a deadline, goal or time constraint to get things done. Weight loss jumps to the top of the list when this occurs and everything else has to fall in line or move out of the way. Focus, concentration and commitment are centric to this feat. These are the real secrets successful people use to see results. Now you have the tools and can be totally changed in less than 2 weeks.

For more info on how to train yourself like the trainers would, check out our book "Fitness Made Smart, Not Hard" by Christopher Lang.

You can also get more exercise and nutrition info at

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