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I Need A Break From Dieting!

This time of the year I seem to have a terrible time of sticking to any kind of diet; everywhere I go: work, church, friends' houses there is an abundance of holiday goodies to snack on, and I just cannot avoid temptation! Don't get me wrong here, there always seems to be alternative healthy snacks- you know the green and orange ones that look pretty but just are not satisfying to my sweet tooth.

Since the holiday eat-a-thon actually starts with Halloween and continues until Easter it is no wonder that my jeans are too tight, nothing fits right and shopping for something that does fits is just depressing when I have to buy something that has a W following the actual size.

I don't know about you all but the harder I try to lose weight the harder it gets. Is it me or what? I eat three meals a day, have healthy snacks (fruit, nuts), try not to eat after dinner, drink lots of water, avoid sugary drinks, watch the carbs, avoid pop, take a brisk walk most days. Get plenty of sleep -8hrs, stay busy when home, at work I sit a lot at the computer which I know is bad, but it is an office so other than a few steps to the copier or assist a customer, not much activity, I do walk on my lunch to break up the day so that helps. Doctor says I am healthy just need to lose a few pounds-ugh!

Short of not eating anything at all (which is not good for you) I diet on! I think that makes me a professional dieter- I have been looking for a new job- maybe this is my sign "Professional Dieter" I certainly have a lot of experience at it, can testify to what works and what has failed. This makes me chuckle-at least writing about my dieting challenges enlightens me- I hope you can relate.

Everyone has their special challenges when it comes to weight loss, thou they never seem to be a challenge for someone else. One challenge that always comes up is that "there is not enought time in the day to eat right, exercise and follow a diet at the same time. Mastering just one would help accelerate the weight loss challenge, but which one to start with? Pick the easiest one that way success will follow and other two will fall in place.

Marilyn Rae of I invite you to my blog to explore and review additional information on dieting and weight loss.

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