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How to Squeeze Workouts Into a Busy Day Tips

Squeezing workouts into a busy day is no easy feat. But learning how to do it, on a consistent basis, is worth the sweat. Nobody doubts the effectiveness of regular exercise in terms of fitness and health. Fit people are usually more productive, have better mental agility, acquire new skills quickly and enjoy higher energy levels. But who has the time?

Therefore, here are few practical tips to help you squeeze a workout in, regardless of how hectic your life is.

Create a concrete workout schedule
When it comes to exercising regularly, taking the guess work out of your training program is key. And one of the best ways to do so is via creating a concrete workout program. According to many studies, fitness enthusiasts armed with a workout plan are able to stick to their workout more consistently, thus achieving greater fitness rewards.

Therefore, make sure to have a weekly planning session-on a Sunday evening for instance-when you get to sit and write down exactly the type and timing of the workout you're going to perform. Don't let momentum carry forward; getting clear on your workout schedule boosts motivation and helps you ward off confusion and bewilderment.

Get up early
According to many studies, people who work out first thing in the morning tend to stick better with their training program for the long haul, leading to better performance and health results. I know, you might not be a morning person, but it's worth the trouble. Starting off the day with a workout boosts metabolism levels, helps you feel energized for the rest of the day, and increases productivity in all areas of life.

If you really looking to be successful with your morning workouts then do the following:

- Set a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

- Make sure to get high quality of sleep during the night's time. Otherwise, being sleep deprived can spell havoc on your over-all health levels.

- Create a safe sleeping space by removing distraction and friction (such as TV, laptop, iPhone and other gadgets) from your sleeping environment.

Make it habit
Human beings are creatures of habit. Therefore, this instinctive treat can be a real ally when it comes to making lifestyle changes-whether it's starting out a new fitness regime or aiming to improve your grades on a given subject. In fact, what sets apart a successful person from an underachiever are the habits they engage in on a daily basis. For most of the time, successful people have acquired winning habits.

According to Tony Schwartz, the author of "The Power of Full Engagement", habits can be formed by committing to one activity for 4 consecutive weeks, non-stop. Therefore, make sure to stick with your new resolution for the next 4 upcoming weeks; don't veer off or let excuses hinder your progress. Just stick with and in no-time, working out on a daily will come in handy.

David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.

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