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Going from being sedentary to becoming a true runner can be a quite challenge-especially if you're overweight or totally out-of -shape. However, there are some training approaches and strategies that can make this challenge much easier.
Therefore, if you're an overweight person seeking the best approach, then you've come to the right place. Below are the 2 golden steps which can get you on the right path toward becoming a true runner while steering clear of injuries and setbacks.
1st step: Get Into the Right Mindset
The biggest change beginners should go through is the mental battle. Most overweight people find it hard to lose the extra weight or to keep it off afterwards. This can be traced to their mindsets and inner beliefs. See, a mindset can make or break you. For instance, if you believe that you can't lose the weight and be healthier, then the chances of that happening are either very slim or a near-impossibility.the reverse is also true.
Therefore, putting your mindset on the right track is mandatory. You can do this by changing your beliefs regarding exercise and health. And one of the best tools you can use is creative visualization. This tool is a mental technique that uses your imagination to turn your dreams into a concrete reality. By changing your thoughts and mental images, you'll change your "reality".
Therefore, make sure to visualize success all the way through by SEEING yourself in your mind's eye AS IF you've ALREADY achieved what you're after. For instance, you could visualize yourself already running for 30-minutes with ease while enjoying your ideal body weight. This will not only help you build the positive mindset you need, it'll also boost your motivation and tenacity, thus resulting in more consistency and action.
2nd step: Start Running
No amount of visualization can make up for miles jogged on the track. The mind is just the first piece of the puzzle. You need to back it up with the actual exercise and proper physical training. However, you don't need to change your physical habits overnight. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes beginners make to trying to do too much too soon. Doing so only results in injuries and early setbacks.
Therefore, if you want to stay injury-free and keep your training program on the go, then you need to start small and build the intensity up gradually. And the best training strategy to help you achieve that is the Walk-Run-Walk method. This beginner's training program is simple and straightforward and will help you build your cardiovascular power without running the risk of injury or overtraining.
Here is how it should look like:
- 1st week: You only need to walk during this stage. No running yet. Go for 3-4 30-minute walks and get yourself in the habit of exercising with ease.
- 2nd week: Add 40-45 seconds of running intervals interspersed with walking boots. The walking is there to help you recover and get your strength back. Repeat the pattern 4-5 times.
- 3rd week: Now your running intervals should be longer than one full minute and your walk for less. Repeat the pattern as you see fit.
And as the training progresses forward, you'll get stronger and fitter. Therefore, make sure to lengthen the running and shorten up the walking until you're able to run straight for 30-minutes without much huffing and puffing.
 David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.

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