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Lose Weight - Types of Weight Loss Diets

There are publications of diets that are deceiving and clearly prejudicial to your health, and that are only after some financial benefit. In this article, we will try to point out those diets that will not provide any benefit and are only meant to make use lose liquids and achieve a bounce effect when we leave the diet.

The diets we are really interested on are those that help use lose fat, which is what losing weight is all about. Losing weight is not losing liquids since, only in extreme cases, they are not the cause of our overweight. On the other hand, it is easy to get back the liquids we lose by following an inadequate diet which causes the scary bounce effect. However, if what we have lost is weight, to get it back all we have to do is start eating inadequately again, ingesting higher calories than what we use in our life style.

Among the diets we consider dangerous are those that use the name of a product or name of a famous person to make their claim. For example, the pineapple diet, the melon diet, so on and so forth until naming all fruits. The only thing we will lose with those diets is time, money and body liquids that we will gain quickly.

These diets basically make us lose carbohydrates, which are substituted by the given fruit, which is usually low in fructose and therefore calories, and increase the intake of proteins to make a diet low in calories.

On the other hand, we have the diets that are based on eating a lot of proteins, even above 50%, found in artificial products sold by the same company. These diets are dangerous for your body since we overwork our liver and kidneys, so they come with prescriptions to protect these organs. All in all, these type of inadequate diets are only after financial gain and not to mold your eating habits or nutritional knowledge about the person.

Regarding the diets we consider adequate to lose weight, we advise diets that are 30% carbohydrates, a 30% in proteins from white meats, and mainly fish, and a 40% fat, mainly olive oil. This type of diet resembles the famous Mediterranean diet.

From here we encourage you to follow this type of healthy and balanced diet. It will help you lose weight in a healthy way and once you lose the weight, you can continue with this diet increasing the intake of carbohydrates up to a 40%, and decrease proteins up to a 30%.
Harry Aaron is an expert blogger and gives you great health and fitness information on the Internet. In the next link you can take a look at valuable information about the best diets to lose weight

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