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Can You Lose 5 Kg In 1 Week? The Tricks To Use

By James Hughes

Many discouraging stories about weight loss almost makes it feel like a scam. But people have hit outrageous targets like cutting weight for an event like a wedding and completely transformed their lives. The question becomes, can you lose 5 kg in 1 week? Consider the following suggestions by an expert and decide whether this fete is possible to achieve.

Take breakfast that is high in proteins. Research has shown that breakfast reduces your appetite throughout the day. You have enough energy supply such that you eat less throughout the day. With little craving and having enough energy to run your day, you begin to shed weight fast. Within a day, the difference can be seen.

Take water before you have your meals. The idea is to fill the stomach at least 30 minutes before you eat. You will not be too hungry when you get to the table. With reduced hunger, you eat less and feel full. This will also slow down digestion. Continue taking water throughout the day to cut the hunger pangs without eating calorie filled foods.

Increase your intake of soluble fiber. Experts have confirmed the place of soluble fibers in supporting weight loss. The fibers ensure that fat does not accumulate around the belly. Fiber also speeds up the rate of passing stool. With an increase in rate of passing stool, there is little chance that fat will be absorbed into the body and accumulate. Foods rich in soluble fiber include vegetables, apple, lentils, avocado and pears, among others. There is food for every season to boost your fiber intake.

Drink coffee or tea. This is a surprise pick because health experts advice against caffeine. However, the idea behind losing weight is to boost your metabolism. Coffee and tea are known to boost your metabolism and in the process speed up utilization of fats that are stored in the body. This saves you from fat accumulation in your tissues, especially around the belly.

Take your food slowly. Eating slowly sends a signal to your brain that you are full. Fast eaters are out to solve a hunger crisis. This leaves causes them to eat a lot of food within a short time. It means that your body takes in more nutrients and requires more time to digest the foods. One or two bites will send a signal to the body that you have had enough.

Step on the scale every day. It gives you an idea of how well you are moving towards your goal. This becomes a motivation to get into a healthy eating habit and continue losing weight. In case you are not losing any weight, you will adjust your plans with the aim of achieving better results. This tactic has been proven to produce excellent results. Try it and transform your life in the process.

Learn to relax by having enough night sleep will help you lose weight. Do not stress over your weight or other things in life. Instead, relax and find time to sleep sufficient hours. Fatigue, stress and discomfort cause you to eat more and in the process add weight. Once you avoid these risk factors, you will enjoy a leaner body and better management of your weight.

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