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Five Crucial Steps to Sleep Apnea Weight Loss

By Sam Kappel

Learn why sleep apnea weight loss crucial for your health.

If you want to treat sleep apnea one of the best ways is to lose weight. Gaining weight and being obese has been shown to be one of the main reasons people get sleep apnea. Not only is weight loss great for treating sleep apnea, but it is good for your health.

1.) The first tip for sleep apnea weight loss is to start a resistance training program. Resistance training helps build lean muscle which burns fat and spikes your metabolism.

2.) The second tip to losing weight for sleep apnea is to do cardio training three to five days a week. Do your cardio with your muscle building workouts and shoot for 30 minutes each time.

3.) Getting on the right diet plan that allows you to eat foods you enjoy and lets you ease into it is important. Avoid the fad and crash course diets. These diets set you up for failure and are only short term. Look for a program that can ease you into a lifestyle change.

4.) Breathing exercises and a simple meditation is great for stress relief. Relieving stress is a big part of weight loss. Stress causes weight gain and makes it hard to lose the extra pounds. Finding a channel to relieve stress will help with sleep apnea weight loss.

5.) Drinking four to six liters of fresh clean water is a big step to helping with sleep apnea weight loss. Super hydration has been shown to be one of the best things you can do for your overall health, especially when it comes to losing weight. Start noting how good you feel after super hydrating.

Keep your weight loss journey simple. Sleep apnea weight loss can be very challenging if you do not make it enjoyable, comfortable and simple. Work on taking baby steps and small consistencies to increase your overall health and make this a lifestyle change. Sleep apnea is painful and uncomfortable and the weight loss and treating it is worth it once you make the small everyday changes.

Good luck solving sleep apnea with your weight loss voyage.

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