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Women and Weights: Good or Bad?

In general most of the clients I train are females and more often than not, many of them are reluctant to lift weights. I think that this is because at first when a woman thinks of weight lifting they associate it with the "muscular" look of a man. The first thought associated with weights by many people is a 250lb bodybuilder, however, what is often forgotten is that it has taken these bodybuilders 10-20 years of hard work and really aspiring to look that way.

Not to worry ladies, this doesn't necessarily have to happen to you; there are many other ways to utilize weight training that won't make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Weight training can be extremely beneficial for fat loss, especially compared to doing stationary cardio. Ladies, just so you know for every pound of muscle you put on, you burn approximately 35 calories a day, which means less fat on the body.

A great way to start is by using machines. Machines require less stabilizer muscles to perform an activity, making it very effective and safe for beginners and actually aid in keeping you in the appropriate position to avoid injury, and maximize results. While performing exercises on a machine do sets at an 8-12 rep range, with a moderate pace, and maintaining proper form. This will lead to building muscular endurance and fat loss.

For women, weight training can have a number of benefits.

Weight lifting can lead to a reduction in body fat, strength gains without size gain, a decreased risk of osteoporosis, decreased chances for injury and an overall increase in mental and physical wellness. Besides, who doesn't want to be stronger? Being stronger can mean being able to perform physical labor with ease, a more active lifestyle, looking and feeling healthy as well as being able to kick your boyfriends a%#.

By incorporating weight training into your routine, some of your long cardio sessions can be trimmed down because the anaerobic weight training sessions will burn off that fat.

Here are some simple tips to follow throughout your workout to keep the heart rate up, and keep the calories burning:

• Keep weight training sessions intense (you should be sweating)

• Faster pace (circuit)

• Variation sets (drop sets, supersets)

• Shorter rest periods in between sets (you should never rest enough that you have caught your breath completely)

• Include bodyweight exercises in your routine (pushups, pull-ups, dips)

To get a sexy toned body, you must first burn the fat and build some muscle. Follow the previous steps, keep weight training included in your routine and follow a healthy nutritious diet. Weight training does not necessarily mean looking like Arnold but it can lead to more comprehensive workout sessions, and getting that thin waistline all you ladies are after.

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