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Vive Le Resolution!

Most people are of one of two minds at this time of year. Some people see this as a beautiful opportunity to start over and make personal changes towards a better life. Others go out of their want to make any resolutions and maybe even feel a teensy bit superior to those who do.

Whether you started the year with a list or not, there is no time like the present to make changes. They don't have to be big changes, nor do they have to fall within the scope of the year. You can choose to resolve to make a change for just this week, or even just for today.

I believe in setting goals throughout the year alongside the resolutions for the year. I haven't made my resolutions yet because I have a health condition that I need to know more about before I go forward with my resolutions. Depending on the state of my condition, I will either set my original goals, or I will change my goals to encompass the limitations set by my condition. Either way, I will have goals to look forward to in 2013.

Vive le Resolutions!

Along with those resolutions, I will make weekly goals. I have always been one to work on one or two small steps at a time that lead me in the direction of my goals, as opposed to making giant lifestyle changes all at once. Personally, I find if I try to do too much at once, I can't maintain it and I get frustrated and disappointed in myself. Since I know that disappointment in myself leads to negativity, which further can lead to giving up, I don't put myself in that position.

So whether you are a believer in New Years Resolutions or not, become a Weekly Resolutionary with me!

Here are some sample weekly resolutions to get you started:

This week I resolve to (choose only ONE):

Start every day with a healthy breakfastDrink at least 8 glasses of water per day (64 ounces)Walk or run at least one mile three times a weekMake a list of ten victories I achieved every dayWrite down everything I eat every dayEat in (instead of going out) for 6 dinners this weekPack my lunch every dayMake coffee at home instead of getting a mocha at the coffee shopTake the dog for a walk every day

We moved a little on New Years Day together. Monte, Paige, Marie, and I at the First Call Half Marathon

Notice how each of these ideas are small, and none of them say "Lose weight" or "Get fit" but if you look at each of these resolutions, they support some big goals: lose weight, get fit, save money, improve health. The difference between the goals and the resolutions is that the weekly resolutions are quantifiable; i.e. I can count each day whether I did it or not. They are intentional; I can easily choose to do or not do each activity. They are specific. They are relatively easy.

Choosing one thing a week doesn't overwhelm you. Making it easy gives you a weekly victory. Small is powerful. I'd rather make 10 small changes over the next six months that stick, than set a goal to make one big change that I fall short in! Every week strive for ONE change and share it with others!

So Vive le Resolution! Resolve to make one small change a week for every week of the year and by the end of the year you will have 52 new habits that lead you towards a healthy lifestyle!

My resolutions for this week:

Journal my food every dayStay within my calories every dayMove a little bit every single day

Your resolutions to not have to revolutionary... even small steps move you forward!

Tory Klementsen is a formerly "flabulous", currently fabulous Certified Personal Fitness Professional who has "been there and done that". She has lost and maintained a loss of over 100 pounds since 2002. Her focus is on helping others find their inner-athlete and reaching their goals through true, lasting lifestyle changes in fitness and nutrition. Tory coaches clients both in person and through her personal training website at She gets what it takes to make a decision to change and see that decision through to the end, and she's ready to help YOU reach your goal and get lasting results.

Are you ready to take your first step on a journey that will change your life? Come and see Tory at

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