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The 'Skinny' on Losing Belly Fat

Whether you walk on the beach with your shirt off or you're just looking to shed a few pounds, maintaining a balanced nutrition regimen is essential for losing belly fat.

This may be common knowledge to the average person, yet obesity is still an enormous (no pun intended) problem in the U.S.

What you put into your body is one of, if not, the most crucial factors in losing (and gaining) weight in the abdominal region.

You can work out three hours a day, seven days a week, and still not get rid of that beer gut if you don't fuel your body properly.

If you want those "Hollywood" abs, then your nutrition plan should be taken just as seriously as your fitness program.

However, as simple as this sounds, eating for losing belly fat requires discipline... a discipline that pays off in the long run.

Some of the pay offs of losing belly fat include:

· Overall health

· Extended life

· Self confidence

· Being appealing to the opposite sex

· Being less prone to the health risks of obesity

· Being in good shape to handle life's physical challenges

· And more

Some of the common health risks of being overweight include:

· Diabetes

· Heart disease

· High blood pressure

· Osteoarthritis

· And certain cancers

This doesn't mean going on crash diets or developing eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. It simply means consuming less daily calories than you burn.

While developing a new habit may seem difficult at first, don't worry. It's normal. It typically takes 21-straight days to build a new habit. After that, your road to losing belly fat and general health is endless.

If you need to lose weight and you're on a budget, that's not a problem. In fact, produce, some chicken, and some fish can be bought at the grocery store relatively cheap.

Always on the go? No worries. A lot of fast food restaurants have gotten on the health boat and have menus specifically for the health conscious.

When in doubt, shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid going down the aisles as much as possible. However, a lot of soups offer low-sodium brands.

Oh, and DRINK WATER! That can't be emphasized enough. Generally, 64 ounces of water is the rule. But when you're exercising and you want to get rid of fluid weight, you should aim to drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight a day. Now I see your eyes getting big. Trust me, it can be done! Drink at least eight to 12 ounces of water upon waking up. At least 12 ounces of water during or after every meal. About 12 ounces before bed. The rest is actually easy. Who says you have to drink water by itself? How about filling your half of your glass with your favorite juice and the other half water? You'll find that this adds up.

Of course if you're serious about getting in gear and want to make a big difference fast, most local and commercial fitness centers have personal trainers, whose day-to-day job is helping people accomplish their goals...

But the first step to a new you begins with you putting your foot forward.

Jake Chappelle has been in the fitness industry for 10 years and is dedicated to helping people achieving their health and fitness goals.

If you're ready to take action to a new healthier you, or simply want more information on losing belly fat, go to

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