If getting skinny is your goal then you should drink water and lots of it.
Drinking water everyday does a body good. There is no questioning that fact.
Your body is made of about 60% water. When you sweat you lose water and it needs to be replaced.
Drink water to lose weight not sodas. I know I just stepped on a few toes with that one but be honest with yourself. Drinking sodas on a daily basis is not good at all for your long-term health. They contain way too much sugar for kids and adults. Soda consumption is a big part of the obesity epidemic facing the world today.
It is okay to cheat on your diet from time to time but you need to have healthy daily habits. Drinking a bunch of sodas everyday will not help you at all attempting to become skinny.
So how much water should I drink?
The recommended daily amount of water for years has been 6-8, 8 ounce glasses of water. This number has been popular for years. A better way to put it would be to say, "drink at least 8, 8 ounce glasses of water."
Men should consume 3 liters of water a day which is about 13 glasses. Women should drink 2.2 liters of water a day, about 9 glasses a day. 8, 8 ounce glasses of water equals 1.9 liters. So if you are already drinking 8, 8 ounce glasses of water a day you are doing good, give yourself a pat on the back and continue to be a good example to your friends and family.
Most Important Times to Drink Water
After waking up - Drinking a tall glass of water right after you wake up is a great way to start your day. If you sleep 8 hours, your body has not had any water for at least 8 hours, maybe more.
After working out - Your body loses plenty of fluids during exercise. One great way to combat the loss of fluids is to replenish with a large glass of water. You don't want to go hours without drinking any water after working out. Not good!
The great bonus about drinking water is that it contains no calories. Can you say the same about sodas? Absolutely not!
Liquid calories are not taken into consideration by many which can lead to consuming too many calories.
Remember to drink water to lose weight. You can't go wrong drinking your fair share of water. Next time you get a craving for a soda say no, instead pour yourself some high quality H20 like the water boy would say. Drink your daily amount of water and you will be well on your way to become skinny.
Bottom Line? You need to drink water to achieve your weight loss goals.
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to the 7 day eCourse Love Your Body Love Your Life when you visit http://fitnessandnutritionsolutions.com/loveyourbody
Brought to you by Matthew Beavers - The Fitness and Nutrition Guy
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