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Count the Calories You Burn a Day to Maximize Your Weight Loss

Counting calories that you eat is important, but you must not forget to count the calories you burn off also. It is essential to take the whole caloric picture into consideration to get the most out of your calorie counting efforts.

Before you start counting calories you burn a day you should determine your body mass index.

How do you figure out your body mass index? - Find a website that will help you to calculate your BMI. Just Google "how to figure out body mass index" and you should have no trouble finding one. The site will ask you for your height and weight. For me I am 5'7" and weight 155. So my BMI is 22.7.

Don't let the numbers confuse you. Underweight is under 18.5, normal weight is 18.5-24.9, overweight is 25- 29.9, and obese is 30 or more. Determining your BMI is a great way to find out how much you need to achieve healthy weight levels. For some it might be a harsh wake up call, but don't let that deter you let it motivate you more to make healthy choices.

Once you figure out your BMI and how many calories to eat a day, here is a great way to keep track of them. Smart phones are insanely popular now with all kind of apps for just about everything. If you have surfed around in an app store you know I'm right. I have heard of apps to know when your wife is on her period. I guess that might be beneficial information to some husbands.

But the statement, "there's an app for that" applies to almost anything. There are plenty of apps for counting calories on smart phones and it only takes a few minutes a day to do it. So if you have a smart phone you have no excuse to not count your calories.

Smart phone counting calorie apps give you the ability to track what you eat and how many calories you have burned during exercise. The new age of technology makes life so much easier and losing weight too.

For those that don't have a smart phone counting calories is not that hard. Get you a food journal. Write down what you eat during the day and how many calories the food contains. This might sound like a hard task to begin with but just like anything else it will get easier with a little practice.

You should also write down the calories you burned while exercising to keep up with all your calories so you know how many you have eaten and how many you have burned off exercising.

So with your smart phone or food journal in hand you have what you need to keep a tally on how many calories you burn a day. Get busy counting your calories and maximize your weight loss.

Bottom Line? When you know how to count the calories you burn a day, you will lose weight quicker. And now I would like to invite you to claim your free access to the free 7 day eCourse Love Your Body Love Your Life when you visit

From Matthew Beavers - The Fitness and Nutrition Guy

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