Expectation - you can blame the media and advertising for this one, you know how the headlines go... "Celeb loses fifteen pounds in fifteen days" (no doubt on the Peruvian monkey nut diet with nuts picked by caring hand reared Peruvian monkeys) but what celeb X fails to mention is that they also have a personal trainer, dietician, and no doubt a chef as well... and their photo has been airbrushed to within an inch of its life. So you think, "I will have a go at the Peruvian monkey nut diet", and surprise, surprise you don't get the same results and feel like a failure and potentially start another round of the weight loss - weight gain cycle. But my friend, Take solace in the knowledge that in another fifteen days celeb X - will be in the media with the headline "celeb X falls off wagon" and puts on another fifteen pounds in twenty days, with a nice photograph of them looking like something that got washed up on a beach.
Do not waste your time following this illusive dream, because that's all it is, an imaginary image that bears no resemblance to reality served up to sell magazines.
When we make comparisons with ourselves and other people it can only lead to unhappiness, think about it there are seven billion other people on this planet, so there will always be somebody somewhere that is slimmer than you, better looking than you, has more money than you.
By the same token you will be slimmer than someone else, better looking than someone else, and have more money than someone else.
Continually obsessing on what other people have or haven't will inevitably trigger an emotional response, which you will try to smother with food, it's a form of self-medication to make yourself feel better.
My challenge to you is to have a look into your own life and see where you are making these comparisons and how much they are helping you, it doesn't have to be a celebrity you are comparing yourself to it might even be a sibling, it doesn't matter as it will have the same damaging effect.
Decide today that you are a one-off original; even an identical twin isn't you, so stop living in someone else's shadow.
If you are constantly comparing yourself to others you are in effect telling yourself that you are not good enough, if you have read this article thoroughly then you already know where you will turn to smother that emotion that you inevitably will trigger.
Are You Fed Up Being Overweight? So Was I. My name is Grahame Cossum and I am the creator of the Weight Loss Made Easy program, I was 60lbs overweight following a serious accident until I created and implemented my unique weight loss program, I have now helped countless others to do the same. Please visit http://www.weightloss-made-easy.net/
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