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Running for Overweight People - How to Take Your First Steps Without Injury or Burnout

Taking your first steps from being a sedentary overweight person to becoming a true a runner is no easy task. In fact, if you're overweight or haven't done much exercise lately, running may not be the best option for you as the high impact nature of this activity can lead to a myriad of injuries and health problems. Nonetheless, starting running the right way can help you steer clear of such troubles.

As a result, here are the 2 steps you need to make as an overweight person to start running hassle-free:

1st step: Build the Proper Mindset
The first step toward starting running has nothing to do with the activity itself; instead, it's about your mindset. Your mindset holds the keys to your success. If you've an empowering mindset, then the likelihood of success is high. On the other hand, a limiting mindset can only lead to mediocre results, and thus further disappointment and frustration.

As a result, shifting your mindset to the right direction is mandatory. And it's easy to do. By changing you thought and beliefs, you'll be able to create any mindset you want. One way you can go about changing your beliefs is via visualization. This powerful process uses the power of your imagination to achieve your goals and better results.

Henceforth, sit down preferably in a quite place and see yourself as if you've ALREADY accomplished what you're after. Imagine your ideal body weight; you could also imagine yourself that you're running and regularly and with ease. And the more you see yourself getting better results, the more you compel your subconscious mind to be your slave and obey your orders.

2nd Step: Start Walking, Get Running
Obviously no amounts of visualization can make out of you a true runner. Even if it does help a lot, the true skill is practiced and learned in the field. But that's no excuse to rush it by doing too much too soon. In fact, this is a big mistake. Opting for this approach will only leave you injured and discouraged. Instead, starting your training program with walking first then introducing the running later on is the best strategy.

Therefore, during your 1st training week, go for four or five 30-minute walks and incrementally build your stamina and exercise habit. The 2nd week, and only if you feel confident about your capability, you can add 40-50 seconds of interval running into your walking. This is what is known as the Walk-run-walk method. This simple strategy can help you build stamina and burn calories without running the risk of injury or a painful burnout.

Each training session should last no more than 30 minutes, 3 times per week. And by spacing out your training days with a recovery day, you'll stay in the injury-free zone while gradually building your stamina and endurance level.

As the training progresses forward, make sure to lengthen the running and shorten up the walking until your able to run for 30 minutes straight without much huffing and puffing.

These 2 steps can get you up and running regularly in less than 4 weeks. Nevertheless, knowledge is potential power. You need to put into practice what you've just have learned and remember to always stay within your skill level.

David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.

If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to and for a limited time you can grab this special "Weight Loss By Running" (Value $18) report For FREE.

Or you could go and visit his awesome blog at:

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