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Prevent Injury When Running - How to Dodge Running Injuries and Stay Fit For Life

Steering off running injuries can prove difficult. Though running has too many benefits, it also has its downsides. The high impact nature of running and its repetitive character can lead to a myriad of injuries and health problems. In fact, this is the reason why so many fitness enthusiasts shy away from running.
As a result, if you're thinking about starting a running program or already running regularly, here are 5 training guidelines that will keep you injury-free while getting the most out of each training session.

Get the Right Shoes
Running in the wrong shoe can only be a sign of trouble. Improper running shoes increase the likelihood of serious running injuries such as shin splints and Achilles tendonitis and other foot problems. Therefore, before going on a run, check first your running shoes and assess if they're a good match. If they're not, head to your local sportswear store and pick the right running shoe. Otherwise suffer the dire consequences.

Start With the Warm-Up
Pushing your running pace from the get go is an invitation to premature fatigue, discomfort and injury. Instead, make sure you're well warmed up before you pick up your running pace. A decent warm-up consists of a 5-10 minutes jog at slow pace, some light stretches and taking deep breaths. This well get your body well prepped for the hard task ahead, thus help improve your performance.

Pick Your Pace
When it comes to picking the right pace, you need to find yours and build on it. Many runners try to run in the shoes of more advanced athletes only to face exhaustion and injury later on. This is no good. As a result, next time you're running, make sure to do it within a comfortable pace. One way you can make sure to do that is to run at a conversational pace, meaning that you can carry on a conversation and run at the same time without much trouble. If you find it hard to do so, then you may need to scale the intensity down a bit.

Choose the Right Running Surface
Opting for the wrong running surface can be spell disaster on your running program. Usually sidewalks and paved roads are not the best running routes. These surfaces add to the high impact nature of running, thus increasing the likelihood of overuse injuries such as bone fractures and runners knee. As a result, make sure to do the bulk of your training on softer terrains such grass routes or dirt trails.

Take Ample Recovery
Taking enough recover between each running session is critical for staying injury-free and getting the most out of your training program. Recovery helps your body to adapt properly to the training load, so the body can get stronger on future workouts.

Here are few recovery guidelines:

- Space out your training days with a recovery day-especially after a hard workout
- Get your sleep needs met. Aim for at least 8 hours of high quality sleep.

- Eat for recovery. Make sure to replenish you energy tanks immediately following a workout. Aim for a healthy combination of carbs, lean protein and the good fats.

These preventions tips can surely help you achieve staggering consistency with your running program while steering clear of injuries and setbacks. Nonetheless, you need to take action now and put into practice what you've just learned, otherwise you won't achieve much progress.

David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness. If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to and for a limited time you can grab this special "Weight Loss By Running" (Value $18) report For FREE. Or you could go and visit his awesome blog at:

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