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First thing is first...
What is a weight loss accountability partner?
A weight loss accountability partner is someone who helps a person stick to his or her commitment to lose weight.
He or She Helps Keep Things in Perspective
Losing weight has its mental and emotional highs and lows. Often times when faced with adversity, we let limiting beliefs completely take over our minds and create a false perception of reality. One of the jobs of an accountability partner is to help keep things in perspective. For example, you might say it is impossible for you to lose weight. The accountability partner might remind you aren't thinking rationally and help you realize you didn't gain the weight overnight so you won't lose it overnight either.
Your Reputation is at Stake
Do you find yourself acting a little differently when people are watching? For example, in most instances when a worker is being evaluated by her boss, she gives a little extra effort because her reputation is on the line. The same principles apply with weight loss. You probably want people to think highly of you and when you tell someone you are going to lose weight you have a little extra incentive to actually shed the pounds because you don't want to come across as someone who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. Think about people who go to the gym. If you have a partner, you are way more likely to go the gym on a day you are not feeling your best simply because you don't want your partner to think you aren't committed.
You Know You Aren't Alone
Sometimes it is a good idea to choose an accountability partner who has faced or is currently facing the same challenges as you. It is almost the equivalent of a weight loss mentor. Losing weight is pretty easy physically. If you consume a deficit of 3,500 calories over a period of time, you lose a pound of body fat. It's that easy. It is the mental and emotional part that is difficult. It helps to talk with someone who has faced or is facing the mental and emotional moments of weakness. It helps you understand that what you are feeling is normal and it is possible to get through it. Sometimes you might think to yourself, "I just can't lose weight" and your accountability can reassure you by saying "I felt the same way and I fought through it, why can't you?"
Two Brains Are Better Than One
Let's face it. You don't know everything about weight loss or else you wouldn't be reading this article. Sometimes it helps to have someone else around to give you opinions. It also helps to hear different weight loss strategies and ideas. Bottom line, an accountability partner will help you in some way, shape or form which wouldn't have been possible without one.
It Gives You Confidence
Expressing what you are going through mentally will make you feel better about yourself. By just talking to someone, you are improving your social health and improving your chances of achieving your goals. There are a lot of negative ramifications when you don't believe in yourself. Once you get comfortable talking to someone about your weight loss problems, you begin to believe you can actually lose the weight. Confidence is a key component, if not the most important component, of success.
Who Makes a Good Accountability Partner?
If you are looking for some help losing weight you can choose someone who is around you on a daily basis like a co-worker or family member. Sometimes people feel embarrassed at the fact they need to lose weight, so you can even hire an accountability partner or weight loss coach if your privacy is a priority. The key is to choose someone with an assertive communication style that will actually hold you accountable rather than being too harsh or, on the contrary, simply telling you what you want to hear. If you don't choose the right person, the whole accountability thing won't work very well.
If you are serious about losing weight, get Matt Karpinski's FREE e-book at You heard it right, it is completely free! What do you have to lose? Nothing, except weight!
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